Renewal Request | ONDA TECHNO Intl. Patent Attys.[Japan Patent Firm] | Gifu City

Renewal Request | ONDA TECHNO Intl. Patent Attys.[Japan Patent Firm] | Gifu City


Renewal Request

Request for Renewal of Trademark Registration in Japan

All-inclusive Renewal Costs (including official fees)
One Trademark in one class: 103,300 JPY
per additional class: 73,600 JPY
(Our renewal service includes monitoring the next renewal deadline)

If you wish us to handle the renewal of your trademark registration in Japan, you can order from the following form.

1: Please fill in the information in the form below.
2: Please enter the Submit button so that we can send you an invoice for prepayment.
3: Once the payment is completed, we will proceed with the renewal of the trademark registration immediately.


* We only accept the payment via a Credit Card when the renewals are due within one month.
* Trademark renewals that are due within 3 business days in Japan time may be renewed within a grace period which requires double the official fees.
* If the owner’s name and/or address needs to be updated, we will need more time to prepare the registration, and additional costs will be incurred.

Renewal Request Form (All fields must be filled out) 

    Trademark Registration No. to be renewed

    Renewal Deadline

    Number of Classes

    Current Registered Owner’s Name

    Current Registered Owner’s Address

    Payment Method

    (* Note: The renewal that is due within one month must be paid via Credit Card.)

    Any Comments

    (* Note: If the owner’s name and/or address need to be updated, please input that information here.)

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