Requirements for filing patent applications in Japan:
Original Specification
Applicants’ and inventors’ full names and addresses, the filing date,the name of the country and the filing number of the priority application.
Priority Document (certified copy of the original specification).
- To secure a filing date when there is a very short time for translation, it is possible to file an application in any language with the JPO. In this case, we must file a translation within 16 months from the date of the earliest priority date.
- In Japan, examination is carried out only on applications for which a request for examination has been filed. A request for examination should be filed within three years from the filing date. Otherwise, an application is deemed to be withdrawn.
- It is not necessary to file a copy of an assignment from inventors to applicants (owners) to obtain a filing date.
- Please note that if we receive a Priority Document before filing an application with the Japanese Patent Office, there is no charge for late filing of documents. However, there is a charge of 15,000 JPY for a document filed late.