2021.12.27 Trademark US Patent & Trademark Office Sanctions Chinese Trademark Firm; 15,000 US Trademark Applications Canceled
2021.12.16 Trademark Appeal decision report – Appeal examiners of the JPO concluded that “NIPPON LANGUAGE ACADEMY (LANGUAGE ACADEMY is written in Chinese characters), NILA NIPPON LANGUAGE ACADEMY, and device)” and “NIPPONISTA and device” are dissimilar
2021.11.30 Trademark Appeal decision report – Appeal examiners of the JPO concluded that “BRING (stylized)” and “BLING” are dissimilar
2021.11.11 Patent Trademark Design The JPO announced a rule change for Change of Ownership documents as of January 1, 2022
2021.10.28 Trademark Appeal decision report – “THEMICRONEEDLE (MICRONEEDLE is written in Katakana)” was allowed to be registered because it is unreasonable to say that it consists solely of a mark indicating quality in the fields of the designated goods in a common manner