2024.9.27 Trademark Could the JPO allow the registration of a trademark application for a word mark consisting of a common word and a country name?
2024.9.12 Trademark JPO: Trademark “COOL WINE” Registrable – Neither indicating the quality of goods/services nor misleading as to the quality of goods/services
2024.8.28 Trademark Could the JPO allow the registration of the trademark application of a word mark consisting of a coined word and a country name?
2024.6.25 Trademark JPO: Is “Writing a Word Mark in Cursive Script” an Effective Method to Acquire Distinctiveness for an Applied Mark?
2024.5.30 Trademark JPO: Trademark “SAKE TEA” Not Registrable – Indicating solely the quality of goods in a common manner, misleading as to the quality of goods, and not having acquired distinctiveness