2025.1.29 Trademark JPO: Trademark “NIGHT MUSK” Registrable – Neither indicating the quality of goods nor misleading as to the quality of goods
2024.12.9 Trademark NON-USE CANCELLATION – The JPO did not allow the cancellation of the trademark registration (the JPO judged that the main part of the used trademark is the registered mark).
2024.11.29 Trademark JPO: Trademark “SUSTAINABLE PUMP” Not Registrable – Indicates only the quality of goods/services in a common manner, and misleading as to quality of goods/services.
2024.11.29 Trademark NON-USE CANCELLATION – The JPO allowed the cancellation of the trademark registration (the JPO judged that the main part of the used trademark does not match the registered mark).
2024.9.27 Trademark Could the JPO allow the registration of a trademark application for a word mark consisting of a common word and a country name?
2024.9.12 Trademark JPO: Trademark “COOL WINE” Registrable – Neither indicating the quality of goods/services nor misleading as to the quality of goods/services
2024.8.28 Trademark Could the JPO allow the registration of the trademark application of a word mark consisting of a coined word and a country name?