Japanese Patent Office Announces Reductions in the Official Fees (Effective from June 1, 2008)
1. Patent
(1) Filing Fees
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Filing a Patent Application: | 16,000 | 15,000 |
Filing a Patent Application in English: |
24,000 |
National Entry for a PCT Application: |
16,000 | 15,000 |
(2) Registration/Annual Fees
a) Application filed on or after January 1, 1988, for which a Request for Examination was filed on or after April 1, 2004
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Registration Fee (1-3rd year) | (2,600 + 200 per claim) x 3 | (2,300 + 200 per claim) x 3 |
4-6th year (annually) | 8,100 + 600 per claim | 7,100 + 500 per claim |
7-9th year (annually) | 24,300 + 1,900 per claim | 21,400 + 1,700 |
10-25th year (annually) | 81,200 + 6,400 per claim | 61,600 + 4,800 per claim |
b) Application filed on or after January 1, 1988, for which a Request for Examination was filed prior to April 1, 2004
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Registration Fee (1-3rd year) | (13,000 + 1,100 per claim) x 3 | (11,400 + 1,000 per claim) x 3 |
4-6th year (annually) | 20,300 + 1,600 per claim | 17,900 + 1,400 per claim |
7-9th year (annually) | 40,600 + 3,200 per claim | 35,800 + 2,800 per claim |
10-25th year (annually) | 81,200 + 6,400 per claim | 71,600 + 5,600 per claim |
c) Application filed prior to January 1, 1988, for which a Request for Examination was filed on or after April 1, 2004
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Registration Fee (1-3rd year) | (1,700 + 1,100 per invention) x 3 | (1,500 + 1,000 per invention) x 3 |
4-6th year (annually) | 5,400 + 3,300 per invention | 4,800 + 2,900 per invention |
7-9th year (annually) | 16,200 + 1,000 per invention | 14,300 + 8,800 per invention |
10-25th year (annually) | 54,000 + 33,600 per invention | 47,500 + 29,600 per invention |
d) Application filed prior to January 1, 1988, for which a Request for Examination was filed prior to April 1, 2004
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Registration Fee (1-3rd year) | (8,500 + 5,600 per invention) x 3 | (7,500 + 4,900 per invention) x 3 |
4-6th year (annually) | 13,500 + 8,400 per invention | 11,900 + 7,400 per invention |
7-9th year (annually) | 27,000 + 16,800 per invention | 23,800 + 14,800 per invention |
10-25th year (annually) | 54,000 + 33,600 per invention |
47,500 + 29,600 per invention
2. Trademark
(1) Filing Fees
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Filing a Trademark Application in one class: |
21,000 | 12,000 |
Each additional class in same application: |
12,000 | 8,600 |
(2) Registration
Current Amount (JPY) | Current Amount (JPY) | |
Trademark registration fee (per class, single payment): |
66,000 | 37,600 |
Each additional class in same application: |
66,000 | 37,600 |
Each of two installments: | 44,000 | 21,900 |
(3) Renewal
Current Amount (JPY) | New Amount (JPY) | |
Application for renewal registration(in one class): |
151,000 | 48,500 |
Each additional class in same registration: |
151,000 | 48,500 |
or each of two installments: | 101,000 | 28,300 |