2013.5.23 Trademark The trademark “tomato in wonder sweets” (wordmark, in class 30) has been registered in Japan.
2013.3.11 Patent The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) started a PPH pilot program on February 15, 2013.
2013.3.8 Patent The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the Polish Patent Office (PPO) started a PPH pilot program on January 31, 2013.
2013.1.11 Patent The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), Portugal, started a PPH-MOTTAINAI pilot program on January 2013.
2012.11.1 Patent The JPO will extend the PPH pilot program with China, and the procedure will be simplified.
2012.10.9 Patent Japanese patent rule amendment of October 1, 2012: Incorporation by Reference from priority documents will be accepted by the JPO to the extent it is recognized in the international stage