2020.12.24 Trademark Appeal decision report – “CURRENT+” and “CURRENT+ (written in Katakana)” was allowed to be registered because the trademark and cited trademarks “current” and “CURRENT” are dissimilar
2020.12.3 Patent The Japan Patent Office (JPO) will start a PPH with the National Industrial Property Institute (NIPI) of France as of January 1, 2021.
2020.11.16 Design Images no longer need to be tied to articles: The very first Japanese design registration of new “image”-type design has been published by Japan Patent Office!
2020.12.1 Trademark Appeal decision report – “JYACK╲Stripe” was allowed to be registered because the trademark and the cited trademarks “STRIPE (stylized)”and “Stripe” are dissimilar
2020.9.17 Design Overview & Effects of the 2020 Design Law Revision in Japan ( Part 2: Expansion of Related Design System)